Sexless Relationship

"Take heart if yours is a sexless relationship - remember that coupledom is just a game of constantly navigating yourselves back to pleasure from the hell realms."

Julia Lally

sexless relationship

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7 Key steps to repairing conflict in your relationship quickly and easily. 

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Restore your relationship to pleasure every time!

are you in a sexless relationship?

If I told you the number one thing that couples come to me for with coaching. What do you think that would be?

Sexless relationships.

That may have been obvious to you, of course. But in actual fact, the reason for this is not just because I coach on the erotic, and that I am constantly plastering that all over the internet. It is also because sex happens to be the number one thing couples struggle with. (Normally after a few years and a few domestic responsibilities have set in, yes. But also common but less known, from the absolute outset.)

Ways to help a sexless relationship.

The good news though, is that a sexless relationship can absolutely be turned around.

The bad news - is that one of the biggest keys to turning round a sexless relationship is basically unromantic and just plain pragmatic: You're gonna have to put in the practice hours.


It's unfortunate, I know. Not least because people have so much difficulty and strain in their lives already, that even the thought of adding their relationship to the to do list is off putting. Plus, we are fed so many images of easeful romantic interactions, that we come to expect it to be this way in real life. Like it should be easy - so why isn't it?

I was treated to a delightful reminder of this just the other day.

An ex-lover called me over FaceTime.

It could've been a disaster. I could have been - well I will leave you to imagine how it could have been.

But instead the Goddess of Perfect Timing was shining brightly for me.

I'd washed and blow-dried my hair that morning. I'd also just had a 30 minute jade egg practice, which meant I was looking tousled, turned on and not like I'd been trying hard at either. I was braless and wearing a sheer, white cotton shirt. To top it all off -  you could see my nipples - pink and inviting as they generally are on a good day and when I remember to notice them - just nudging through the cotton. 

Oh yeah, baby. Then he called. THEN.

What followed was easy.

He wanted me.

I wanted him.

I basked in the glow of how alluring he found me.

We spoke about Covid but really we wanted to speak about sex.

And then his phone went out of range, and my husband shouted from the bathroom:

"Why the fuck are we out of toilet paper?"

Game over.

Back to the realms of the practice ground.

12 key guidelines for practice

sexless relationship

So take heart, dear reader. For this is how it is for ALL of us. Even my 20 year old friends who ignore me when I tell them so. Sexless relationships are a thing.

I don't care how easy it used to be for you as a couple. I don't care if you've always struggled sexually, and you're only young and you believe it shouldn't be this way. I don't care if you're still in the throes of the pink nipples and tousled hair stage. I don't care who you are. If you want great sex in your relationship, then you are going to have to prioritise it.

To make it as easy as possible for you - here are my favourite 12 ways to do so.

Call Each other Back

As I said in my opening quote - sexless relationship is just a game of calling one another back to pleasure from the hell realms. (Sorry.) Now I know the hell realms can be enticing. But I also know you care about your relationship to be more responsible than that. Some days you will be more resourced than your partner. Sometimes they will be more resourced than you. Take the lead. Call each other home. Offer a moment of recognition or understanding.  A gentle gesture of love.

Create a Desire Vision

How do you want it to look? What is your ideal sex life? What things turn you on as individuals and as a couple? Be sure to know, as if you are unconscious about what you want then you don't stand a chance of having it. You can really have fun with this one. Enjoy creating an erotic vision for your relationship together and remember to remember it. The effort will keep you clear of a sexless relationship.

Couple Bubble

When I say safety first when it comes to your sexless relationship, couples tend to look at me like I have said something wrong. But the fact is, we may believe that the erotic is amplified by risk + danger, and often it does. But the sustainable erotic does not flourish in constant relational danger. You are going to want to feel safe, connected and trusting of each other if you want to really let go sexually. Luckily, there is an awesome practice  called the Couple Bubble which helps establish this kind of container between you.

Stop the Rot

Blame and criticism will end your sexual connection for sure.  There is nothing puts the stops on your relational pleasure as quickly and easily as these two foes. it is sooo tempting, I know. My husband still to this day reminds me I am being critical.  Blame and criticism, however, are ultimately so disempowering as they render you unable to get what you need in real time. They are the number one way we actually block ourselves from receiving what we desire, imo. Get. masterful at NOT going there.

Be There

Volunteer yourself as a resource for your partner's growth. It cuts both ways. This can mean anything from showing patience when they get it wrong and forgiving them for it instantaneously. Or reminding them of a promise they made with their behaviour. Or inspiring them with the vision you created together. Being there is generous. Get generous.

Also - this is common sense - in order to be there for one another you will need to be there first and foremost for your own body. Get a sensate focus practice. Learn how to feel what it's like to inhabit your body moment by moment. Sexless relationships cannot thrive in a truly connected and sensualist setting. And don't give up! You could do this for a lifetime and still learn more.


Your feelings will destroy any hope of resurrecting you from a sexless relationship unless you learn to communicate them effectively.  The first step to making this work is to actually learn to enjoy them. (Wait, WHAT?!) 

Seriously though - your feelings are not the enemy of your sex life, they will enhance and ameliorate it. (That Taoists knew this inside out. If you ever study the jade egg with me I talk about this a lot.)

But for now - learn how to communicate what you are feeling moment by moment. 

In fact, I use six pillars when I coach with couples, and communication is one of the core ones. You will never enjoy a great sex life if your communication is shot - and there are a million and one ways we go wrong with this.

Understand Your Impact

Narcissists hate this one, for sure.  Taking responsibility for where our actions cause pain or even harm to another. To be honest - we are all somewhere on the spectrum of narcissism imo. I tend to call it being human and having a human ego. But some are more walled up in their righteousness than others - this tends to manifest as one partner in the couple refusing to see how their behaviour is having an impact on their partner too. They generally come thinking their partner has a problem needs to be solved. But this is never the case. Couples are an intricate interrelation of nervous systems, histories and needs and expectations. If you are totally impenetrable, your partner won't trust you in bed. Softness, the capacity to relax and take the point of view of the other actually IN, is a great precursor skill for the bedroom. When your partner sees you humble, they in turn may also humble more. Humbling is good for the heart. And opening the heart is really good for the genitals too - especially the pussy. (Which the Taoists also knew.)

Expand Your Range

There is another angle to just keeping yourselves out of a sexless relationship - and that is to allow yourselves to lean into some relational edges too. Sex won't flourish without safety - but it also stagnates under the mantle of too much comfort.

A way to practice expanding your comfort zone is to lean into feeling the sensations that arise when you go over your comfort edge. 

Next time you are angry about something your partner has done, try saying yes to the sensation that arises in your body. Likewise with disgust. Or jealousy. Open to emotion on a purely sensate level and see what happens.

I find when I do this that my sexual turn on is often not far behind.

Keep Life Fresh

Expanding your sensate range can go hand in hand with keeping life fresh.  Look at this as like expanding range in a practical sense.

Allow your partner to take you slightly out of. control sometimes - for example, let the partner who would normally not book the restaurant, choose and book the restaurant. Let the partner who would normally follow, to take the lead.

Habits are boring. What turned you on in 1992 many not still turn you on now. 

Take a few risks and jumps in your relating and see what happens as a result.

Esther Perel's famous book "Mating in Captivity" covers this topic in depth. Keeping things fresh and exciting between you - including bringing some distance when needed - is a key topic for her sexless relationship coaching.

Invest Time and Money

I know I would say this - 'cos it costs good money to coach with me. In fact, it's pretty much the equivalent price of a decent family holiday. 

And this is what I always say, when potential clients raise their eyebrows at the thought of paying money for my services. I always ask them what they would rather - a beach hut in Tulum and seafood tacos on tap. Or a reliable skillset and set of practices that virtually guarantee a life of connection, communicative skill, and sexual mastery and pleasure?

Honestly? I have zero investment in their answer. Because the Tulum beach may be what they need. ( For the record I cannot stand coaches who tell me what I need. And I would never do that to my clients either. I do not know better than you.)

What I would say though - is that you can use money as a way to treat your relationship better. Give it some luxury.

And if you can't afford to? Give it some time. Take a month off. Hell. Take a day off together.

Use Pleasure as a Regulator

There is nothing that informs my coaching more than this principle.

In fact, there is nothing that informs my life more than this principle.

Everything I do, say, teach or even post, comes back to this guiding tenet for me.

And here's why - stress and pleasure literally compete for the same nerve pathways in your body. With education, attention and practice, you can choose which one triumphs.

And when you have pleasure in the driving seat? Well pleasure begets pleasure.  In other words,  the more turn on and sexual happiness you invite into your life, the more turn on and sexual happiness you will crave and create going forward.

Pleasure is like a muscle. You are going to need to use it.

The good news is, that even if this muscle is currently rather atrophied, you can begin bringing  it back to life in really small and doable ways.

Get a Sex Practice

Here's the thing - if you don't bring all the other points I have mentioned here into your awareness and lives, then no amount of sex practice will make much of a difference for you.

In other words, if you are full of unexpressed resentments towards your partner, then your turn on will never manifest as well as it could if you'd cleared things up for example.

But - with all the other things in place - sexual practice is really the cherry on the icing of the cake.

There's a reason I went to training in Orgasmic Meditation, and then on to tantra school. And that's because I wanted a plethora of sexual techniques up my sleeve with which to help couples reconnect to their ecstasy.

You can contact me below if you would like to know more about how to pull yourselves out of the blandness of a sexless relationship for good.

Enjoy. And let me know how you get on.


Julia Lally 2020

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7 Key steps to repairing conflict in your relationship quickly and easily. 

Download today, and learn these relational skills until they become like a natural muscle you can draw upon when you need them in difficult moments.

Restore your relationship to pleasure every time!

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This post was written by Julia