Telly, Naked Dating, and The Handmaid’s Tale

I don’t have a telly so it’s actually quite a shock to me to log onto Channel 4 to watch the Handmaids Tale and see a programme called something like “Britains naked dating” or something. I thought it might be hilarious so I watched ten minutes but it was basically vile. The whole thing just gets worse. Five women are in cubicles ????and a nice guy, loved by his mum ???? but apparently no one else. This guy actually gets to comment on the sexual attractiveness of women as the cubicles rise.


Shocking to me – old as I now am and having grown up before the actual internet let alone online porn – there’s not a pubic hair in site. Every woman has literally bald genitals and now I know this is normal now apparently but I still view this like some kind of potential paedophilia. Like who would be attracted as a grown man to a woman who’s vagina looked like it did when she was 10?

The nice boy who can’t cope with Tinder and who’s mum got him on the show ????picks one vagina. The nicest looking vagina. Oh. My. God.

“Why did you go for that one?” Asks the presenter. Who’s career is no doubt skyrocketing. “Oh well it’s also neat and tidy and tucked away inside” says the nice boy. And I’m thinking yes. YES! Like a vagina looks when a girl is about five and before her labia have matured! You absolute prize dick I’m thinking. You absolute prize asshole with your penchant for neat vaginas. Like your preference is relevant. You prick.

I close down channel four. And this morning an article comes up on my news feed, about the growing rise of girls aged 11-13 asking for plastic surgery on their labias so they can be neat. And it’s amazing – how we’ve graduated now from having to worry about our waistlines and our cellulite to our actual labia shape. And if one more person actually tells me porn is harmless fun and basically a free choice I might have to slap them with my oversized pussy flaps.

Okay so the men get to put themselves through this ordeal also. They get to go in the cubicles and have their genitals commented on too. Like- so that’s alright then I mean it MUST be feminism if this shit is equal. Right?!

Take me to the Handmaids Tale. Where sexual violence is at least seen for what it is. Rather than implied, subtle, and normalised.

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This post was written by Julia

  • Julia says:

    Very interesting