How to Get Him to Pay Attention

Training your partner to pay attention will get you the best sex of your life. Here's how you can do your bit to make that happen.

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learning to pay attention is exquisite

Honestly nothing turns me on like someone who knows how to pay pristine attention.

And I'm not talking about flabby, intermittent un-potentiated attention either. The kind of distracted attention that has you know your partner is "somewhere else" even as they attend to you. Maybe they're at work still in their mind. Maybe they got an inner porn channel going on. Maybe they're entangled in an addiction. Maybe they're just - uninspired and uninvited by you.


Oh no.

What I am talking about is the kind of pay attention that makes me stop. Whatever I am doing. It stops me literally in my tracks. Like it has to.  It is insistent.

Do you know the kind of attention I mean?

Oh boy oh boy, you could give me that kind of attention all day long.

It might be that a person took care over something they gave me. Maybe they learned to read my erotic waves in bed - the ways I go up and the ways I come down. Maybe it's just a glance - where I know they got me. They understand me in my humanity and the vulnerability of all the goddamn struggles.  Once it was the way a partner prepared a meal - the detail of it all.  Another time it was the kindness in his deep brown eyes that held my soul in his. Another time it was the hand in the small of my back as we cycled along together and that hand helped me up a steep hill.


Always, there's the feeling that I can just, finally, let go. 

The right amount, and the right type of attention then, will just disarm you in the most delicious way possible.  And cultivating more of that from your partner is what this article is all about.


an inability to pay attention is painful

One of my biggest (and most common) complaints in my relationship, has been my partner's lack of capacity to pay attention. From the sprinkle of missed shavings on the bathroom floor, to the wet washing that gets hung over the almost dry. I have basically zero sense of humour when it comes to stuff like that.

In fact, I am so easily triggered by it, that the smallest possible lapse of attention from my husband of 20 odd years can send me into a downward spiral of resentment and division. (I know. I know.  Sometimes, it is hellish. The practice of marriage is to continually bring things back to pleasure. That's what relationship is, in my opinion. Over and over and over.)


So anyway - one of the ways we decided to try and change this helpless dynamic was to actually acknowledge what we like. To put energy into those bits.

And like I said already several times - me likes attention 🙂

So I made a list of ways, and the cool thing is - I get to share them with you so you can try them on and see if they work for you too.

7 great ways to pay attention

Eliminate Distractions

Sounds obvious right? HA! Try it!! Not as easy as it sounds. Whether it's Netflix or those pesky emails or just leaving your iPhone next to the bed so you greet it before your lover in the morning. (Yup. You too? This habit is hideous for an attention junkie. Hideous.)

Make a practice of eliminating distractions - even for one evening per week will make a difference. You'll simply have to start paying attention - to one another, instead of the ghost legacy of Steve Jobs or the current bank account of Mark Zuckerberg.

Savour the Small Wins

Especially if your relationship is monogamous and long-term – you might find yourself focusing on the failures instead of the wins. It's so much easier for me to see where my husband fails me rather than to appreciate the small accumulated gifts that he gives every day without need for recognition or acclaim. For example, every morning I am a bitch from hell. Every morning he serves me coffee. He knows he will probably get a snarl more than a thank you. He does it anyway.


My point is that there are thousands of small gracious acts of attention through the day towards me from my partner that can so easily go unnoticed. You too? One of the best things you can do for your relational well-being and turn on, is to let yourself see them coming and savour them fully when they arrive.

Use Your Anger Creatively

Get your anger serving the relationship instead of destroying it. Yes that feeling of abandonment you get when your partner forgets. The inner doubts that you don't matter - can turn a female heart bereft. Triggers triggers everywhere, and not a drop to drink.


The thing about anger though, is that it really is beautiful in its essence. It's just trying to make a stand for something you really really want.  

Be warned though, if what you want is more attention, then anger is generally a really bad way to get it. People do tend to retreat and self-protect in the face of anger. As a fiery woman I wish they didn't. I wish they could meet me full on in the activation of that. But the fact is, people have nervous systems and sometimes their nervous system does not want all that hot activity. It's fair enough.

In this article here I wrote about getting anger behind your passion and not your criticism. Behind your desire and not your blame.

If you are able to do this skilfully, then you get to use your anger to get more of what you want, and blow things up less, basically. If you want more attention, it is important to get disciplined with your anger.


(On the other hand if you can't feel your anger? Well then that's a whole different ball game. Try opening up some more fire if that's the case. Maybe a tantrum is exactly what's needed to wake your partner out of slumber. Nobody likes to go unnoticed forever, after all. Please don't be so afraid of your anger that you suppress it's call to get your needs met totally out of existence.)

Foster Your Independent Brilliance

Esther Perel and her famous book "Mating in Captivity" talks about this extensively. You might want to think about how much you let yourself shine.

Of course, you don't want to hone your genius for the sole purpose of another's attention. You want to hone your genius because you have to. Because it is the calling of your life. Because you can't not. 

But to foster your genius for your own soul, regardless of how it is received, can have the  magical effect of making your partner pay attention in the most golden and appreciative way possible.

What might you do to allow yourself to fully show off your talents in front of your partner? Do it.

Nurture Your Inner Feminine

Oh yes, that old chestnut.

So what do you mean exactly? Feminine?


Enjoy your body, basically, is what I am talking about here.

Cultivate self pleasure. Find the small ways to soften to your own felt experience. Dress yourself up to feel good on the inside. Dance. (Maybe even dance for your partner.)

Your juicy flirtatious woman needs licence to play. Curl your lover's hair between your fingers just for the hell of it. Brush their neck with your lips because you happen to be walking by. Feed them with something you love the taste of. 

There are a million ways to increase your flirty playful feminine side. If you let your partner feel the sheer fun you are having with this - they will probably up their attention game. Because human beings cannot help themselves but to notice the feel good.

Deal With Negative Feelings Head On

Communication is key.

If you find yourself withering away in lack of attention land, it may well be that the two of you are avoiding discussing the inevitable.

Don't let yourselves fester over anything. It is the ultimate attention killer.

Get a Noticing Practice

Finally - perhaps my favourite way of all. Make the time to notice.

You can try simple exercises like eye gazing, which foster connection and a beautiful sense of mutual attention. But a really sexy exercise is for one partner to take the role of the noticer.

So for example if you feel hungry for more attention, see if your partner would be willing to try this exercise. Then have them do it every day for a week.

Several times through the day they will notice something about you and they will speak it out loud. For example, as they serve you coffee they might say: "I notice that your left cheek is flushed."

Or, even better, in the midst of something that is demanding their attention, they must make a point to stop and place their attention on you instead. They might simply state what you are wearing in that moment. If they want to get really spicy they might tell you what underwear they saw you put on that morning.

It doesn't matter what they say, it doesn't have to be a compliment. It simply matters that they notice.

remember what it was like to feel good?

The Pleasure Portal is a unique, 5 module online mini-course, designed to help you re-access your turn on for life and remember how good it can feel to be a woman again.

Structured to  fit into an active lifestyle for immediate impact with absolute ease, treat yourself to 5 days of focussing on what actually matters. 


You'll be amazed at how little you actually have to DO in order to FEEL alive again. 

I've taken hundreds of women through this portal, and I am so happy to be able to invite you, too, to experience the life-changing magic that pleasure reclamation is. I hope to see you in there!

With love


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This post was written by Julia