EPISODE 2: More About the Queens.


Bernadette, Chas and Julia actually go way back.

In this - Episode 2 of Jada is Our Queen - we talk about some of the depths we've navigated over the years and continue our introduction of each other.

From how Julia first met Bernadette at an Orgasmic Meditation workshop and remembers thinking "who is that woman with her pussy hanging out?"

To how we all connect Chas with sex and cooking. And amazingly pleasurable attention to detail.

To how Chas felt her identity as a black woman cleaved in two when she saw Ulysses Slaughter talk on stage and literally command a room full of white people. To how she had made herself two dimensional as a result of years of racism.

To the time when Julia definitely judged Bernadette as a fully fledged cult member. And how Bernadette sees Julia as representing one of the last stands of the English indigenous. (Woah. Now that's a hell of a thing to say, right?)

Plus at times we get a bit teary.

You can follow some of the links we talk about here too:

Julia's music.


Enjoy and don't forget to subscribe!

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This post was written by Julia