EPISODE 12: Ra ra skirts and rollerblades

what's your pleasure type?

In my coaching biz I have found women tend to fall into one of four, distinct pleasure types. Curious to find out which one of these pleasure types you might be? Take my quiz below, and receive a free, personalised video  giving you tips and tricks specific to your type to help increase your pleasure threshold exponentially!


Chas and Julia talk around the houses and ask difficult questions such as is the digitisation of life the penultimate act of colonisation? Is it leading us into a whole new era of slavery?

Chas admits how she has never really seen any of this go away anyway, and how annoying it is when people who are accustomed to comfort are always shocked when episodes of racism are publicly aired. She was taught to efface the more jarring parts of her personality as a black woman in order to survive, and warns us that we really cannot walk quietly into darker times. Resistance and grace are paramount. We can at any point withdraw our consent.

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what's your pleasure type?

I am a sex and relationships coach with a passion for coaching women to amplify their pleasure and use it as a fuel source for power. 

And I have found, that amongst almost every woman I meet, that she will tend to fall into one of four, distinct pleasure types.

Curious to find out which one of these pleasure types you might be?

Take my quiz below, and receive a free, personalised video outlining your pleasure type, and giving you tips and tricks specific to your type to help increase your pleasure threshold exponentially!

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This post was written by Julia