EPISODE 15: Under the Whims of Pleasure

JIOQ Ep 15

what's your pleasure type?

In my coaching biz I have found women tend to fall into one of four, distinct pleasure types. Curious to find out which one of these pleasure types you might be? Take my quiz below, and receive a free, personalised video  giving you tips and tricks specific to your type to help increase your pleasure threshold exponentially!


Take an hour a day to follow the whims of your body.

David Deida

In this episode, Julia and Chas talk about the freedom to enjoy pleasure in one's own way, and what that actually means for most women on a day to day basis. Chas talks about the devotion that her younger self gifts to her older self -given the fact that in any present moment, she is the youngest she is going to be for the rest of her life. 

For example, her older self likes that the bed is made in the morning, so it’s a pleasure to get into at night. And her older self, loves that her socks are folded right side out - and nor is she ashamed to admit it because, as we discuss, small pleasures compound. 

So in this episode, both agree that we can only give from full, and moreover discuss ways of ‘filling up’. 

A must listen if you are a woman struggling to make the desired changes in your life, where pleasure seems like a good idea and all - but a tad overwhelming. Find out the considerable advantages of taking small sustainable steps with discipline and patience, and what these actually are for Julia and Chas.

Thanks for listening and for posting your comments and suggestions. Please keep them coming, we’re loving them. Chas & Julia

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best orgasm ever

what's your pleasure type?

I am a sex and relationships coach with a passion for coaching women to amplify their pleasure and use it as a fuel source for power. 

And I have found, that amongst almost every woman I meet, that she will tend to fall into one of four, distinct pleasure types.

Curious to find out which one of these pleasure types you might be?

Take my quiz below, and receive a free, personalised video outlining your pleasure type, and giving you tips and tricks specific to your type to help increase your pleasure threshold exponentially!

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This post was written by Julia