Desire as a Spiritual Path

"We often are told desire is something to be avoided. But what about having desire as a spiritual practice?"

what's your pleasure type?

In my coaching biz I have found women tend to fall into one of four, distinct pleasure types. Curious to find out which one of these pleasure types you might be? Take my quiz below, and receive a free, personalised video  giving you tips and tricks specific to your type to help increase your pleasure threshold exponentially!

desire has a bad rap

I come from a feminine lineage. 

It's difficult to pin down.

It's not like I can say "Oh yes, this particular practice comes all the way from Rinpoche XYZ and was founded on such and such a date."

Instead, my lineage is more nebulous. I have found it to be shrouded in mystery (and quite possibly witch burnings. Which makes a lot fo sense to me. As lineages tend to disappear underground when under the threat of femicide.)

However. I remember the time I first came into contact with what I now understand to. e my line. I was sat at a talk, where I explicitly heard about the concept of following my desire like it was a good thing.

It was a fairly shocking theory for me at the time. Because, wasn't my desire actually evil? And wasn't it something that might lead me into all sorts of unfathomable trouble - like addiction, extreme wealth, extreme poverty, sex with strangers I just met on the subway? (Hell, maybe even on the subway? No?)


Apparently, according to a teacher I once saw speaking in front of a class of slightly bemused but interested people, desire could be used as a practice path.

you have no control over what you want

Fast forward a few years, and I had deeply immersed myself in this tradition. Learning more about my life and relationships along the way than anything else I had previously tried. And so, in reverence for the way the path of desire had changed my life for the better, I posted a meme on Facebook. With those exact words:

You Have No Control Over What You Want.

The result was interesting - I got more trolls, hate and vitriolic posting than ever before. People were literally disgusted with me (and themselves.) "I cannot believe you said that!" posted one woman. "Like, if I had no control over what I wanted, like I might end up killing someone!"

Fair enough, I remember posting back. But surely, if you actually want to kill someone, deep down, then perhaps you are better off knowing about it?

Of course, I am not advocating that she commit murder. Rather that her wish to do so become more conscious to her. Because anything buried for too long will take on a life of its own. As Carl Jung is known for saying: "Until you make the unconscious, conscious, it will rule your life.....” 

So in other words those sub-conscious desires have power. Much more power the deeper you bury them.

is desire dangerous?

So is desire really dangerous, then? As this woman believed? 

Certainly, in my opinion, we are conditioned to think so.

Media and Morality both play their part in educating us to keep our desires under control. From buddhism to christianity, from school sex education classes to performative sex behaviours, our innate feminine desire rarely gets a look in. In fact, we are told quite clearly to not even bring them to the table. From my son's class where not one pupil knew what the clitoris was, to my own experience of bringing the work of ameliorating feminine desire out into the world.....

I remember being at an online marketing class I was partaking in. We went off into small groups. "What do you do?" was the first, introductory prompt. When it got to me - well what was I supposed to say?

"I'm a sex and relationships coach who helps women increase their orgasmic power and use it as rocket fuel for their lives" I said.

It was like I'd dropped a bomb. What felt like minutes ticked by.

"I think you've shocked us into silence" said another woman.

I remember thinking - really? This is 2020 and female desire is still non navigable in the public domain?

It begs one to ask the question why. Why would we be expected to swallow our desires down on a daily basis? Why are they not even up for discussion? And perhaps even more important, what effect does this have on our psyche and our capacity to lead powerful, impactful lives as women? 

desire as power

I would argue, in fact, that this cultural expectation that women sideline and repress their relationship with their desire, is very harmful indeed.

Back to the days when I was learning about desire as a practice path (and I am constantly learning, truth be told), I frequently heard that desire is the foundation of power. And this has certainly panned out in my coaching practice too. Woman after woman coming through my cyber doors without any clue as to what she actually wants. To even be asked the question seems strange to her. 

What do I want? You mean, I actually have a say in this? What I want is important and all?

But of course it is. In fact, it is so important that when it comes to feminine empowerment, desire is the place to begin. It is essential you get clarity about what you want in life. Without clarity on this, how can you think it is possible to ever actually have the thing you crave? To gather the resources, to call in the favours, to nakedly ask? Without desire as a well used and practiced muscle - attaining power and agency in the outside realms will be impossible for you.

With my women then, it is always where we go first.

And frequently, women find this line of questioning extremely uncomfortable. It's like I've held a spotlight to every single bit of them that feels ashamed and unworthy. Like someone is giving them permission to not keep this awful secret as a burden anymore. Like they suddenly realise how impossible it is to have any chance of getting what they need, if they don't know what that is!

The relief is always tangible though, when they get to the point of common understanding that I truly have their back and that I want them to have what they want as much as they do.

the games we play with desire

Understanding the ways in which we manipulate, deny or strategise our desire into oblivion is important then. Because once we get a handle on how we constantly sabotage ourselves, we can begin to bring that under control..... and stop. Desire can have a chance to flourish again.

So - here are some of the most common ways we flatline our potential to thrive.


Firstly - we don't allow ourselves to have the thing. 

How many people do you know? Indeed, how many times have you done this yourself? You get sooo close it's within reach. And then - something happens. Something goes wrong. You pull back. You trip up. You say exactly the wrong thing at an interview. You self-sabotage. You surely know the ways? For me, confusion was a pivotal defence against getting what I needed through life. I was all like: "Well, I dunno maybe it's that."


If you knew the amount of times a woman or couple wants to coach with me. They want it desperately. And then they convince themselves it's impossible. They recruit friends who tell them it's impossible. They come back at me with lists that prove the impossibility of having their desire.

And I do respect their edge and their resistance, I really do. 

But part of the reason women are drawn to working with me, I believe, is because pulling off the impossible is quite literally my favourite game of all time. If you only knew the things I had successfully accomplished that everyone around me declared impossible. You can ask one of my besties Chas. "I literally cannot believe you did that, Julia" is one of her most oft used phrases. 

Call me arrogant.  But I will honestly just laugh. And Chas and I will crack open the champagne. (Again 😂)


One of the most powerful  moments of my life, was when a man from whom I desperately wanted something. A man who I wanted with all my might. (Which is actually quite a lot of might. You may have guessed that about me by now.) And then after I bared my desire to him, how that same man energetically floored me with the phrase: "You are not entitled to what you want, Julia."

Dear God that was a doozie. 

It took me days to get over that one.

I tossed and turned.

I was convinced he was an asshole.

And then I got it. I wasn't entitled to it. Damn. That hurt.


Turns out I had used my desire to try to push an outcome. (Which is a particular form of violence. And not conducive to desire at all, ultimately.)

But here's the thing. When you lose the entitlement, you actually gain access to the vulnerability of the thing. You get to feel it all. You gain unprecedented access to the deepest desire in all it's tenderness and raw hope. And the irony is, that from that place, you are actually more likely to get what it was you wanted all along.  You may even get to experience it in the actual form you needed it to begin with. (Which brings me to my next point.)


Desire is animal like. It's slippery and unpredictable. The point is - and this is a very important point. This is THE point for you to take home with you. The point is not that you necessarily get what you want. The point is that you get to trust that you are worthy of what you want. You get to trust that life will provide for you in the exact and perfect form. And how beautiful is that? Riding the wave of desire as a practice path in life becomes just like sex. (Everything is like sex, imo. But that's probably another article.) You get to let go and to follow it's expression - and the more you let go to embrace what comes back as a result - the more you get to receive. Desire is a never ending cycle of more and more fullness.

I don't know about you - but I could nourish myself on that kind of practice for ever. I could take that deeper and deeper still.  Desire as a practice path? HELL YES 🤩🦄


"Yeah I could take it or leave it" you say to yourself. Like your desire is actually nonchalant. Like you don't want it like your pussy wanted David Bowie as a teenager. In all his non gender conforming, chain smoking psychedelic splendour. 

"Nah" you say. "I'm cool."

What, though? WHAT? 

If you coach with me, you're gonna get to feel your hunger. You're getting to get to feel how much you want it until you don't feel you can handle it any more. Until it makes you weep. 

Your desire is magnificent. 

Hold it aloft and admire it's power. Turn it around. Watch it catch the light. Be prepared to offer it worship. Or likely it will wither and become invisible. Quite possibly like the rest of your life.


This is the basis of consumerism and is one of the major ways in which we leak power and refuse to soak in the fat nourishment of true desire. We ignore the fact that we got the thing. We find ourselves drawn inexplicably to the next shiny object. We miss what's in front of our very eyes. 

This is a very modern tragedy. And it takes determination and grit to undo it.

ways to nurture your relationship with desire

In the face of all these self-limiting behaviours, designed to squash your desire before it even has a chance to breath, I have put together some practical ways that will help.

Get specific.

Of course, the first step to that is clarity and understanding as to what it actually is you want (back to the opening paragraph of this article.) But even then, as women, it is super easy to trick ourselves out of being potent by dressing our desire up in woolliness. 

I remember a client of mine once. We got to her desire it was along the lines of "oh I just want him to fully embrace being human and realise that overarching possibility that love can help us to thrive."

And I was like - hmmmm. An eyebrow of mine most definitely got arched. Hmmmmm.

"So if you were specific?"

"Like love me better, asshole."

"No. Like specific. Like I'd love you to take me out once per week in a romantic way where everything is taken care of and I don't have to think of one damn thing."


"And I'd love you to do that next Tuesday evening."

She finally got it. Power lies in specificity every time. If you are not being specific, you are definitely not championing your desire, and it is very very unlikely anyone will rise to the joy of meeting it.

Ask for it.

Most women HATE to ask. It goes against every ounce of good girl conditioning they ever had. Far better to provide, preferably silently. Far better not to rock the boat by risking being greedy, selfish or overly demanding.

Asking is - logically - one of the quickest and easiest ways to get what you want however. So I often encourage women to try it. It frequently leads to delightful and desire filled surprises.

Developing the Desire Muscle

Tuning into one's desire, as often as we can, will build a relationship with self and power. Start with just asking yourself as often as you can "what do I want?" See if you can locate the knowing in your body. And then, perhaps even better, is to slow down and fully allow yourself to enjoy the having of it. Say gratitudes for how it arrived (especially if it wasn't quite what you wanted.) Allow yourself to feel what it is to have your desire satiated. Tune into to simple pleasure of it. But most of all, use that desire muscle as an embodied form of truth that walks alongside you every day. Let your life be an homage to it. Let shame burn to ashes at its feet.

and then the work begins

Perhaps it might be surprising to you, but you can see from what I write that actually having your desire is waaaay more uncomfortable than using the above strategies to deny it yourself. This is why these denial strategies are so pervasive. 

Dress it up however you will. But having what you want is damn vulnerable. Its not always fun. Sometimes there is intense grief. Or a letting go of expectations of how you thought it would be but actually is. Sometimes it's just damn destructive - like leaving a relationship or tearing apart a family. Or refusing to say yes when the entire world is threatening to abandon you if you don't. (Or so you think.) Sometimes getting your desire is just, kinda flat. And if your desire turns out to be flat? What hope is there for the rest of life?

All of this is why desire as a spiritual path makes so much sense to me now. Because I have found desire to be the biggest ego breaker there is. In fact, desire is a ferocious destroyer of ego. And that is precisely why caution and mastery is needed.

Which is really just to say - go slowly with that stuff too. Sometimes women feel like they have been waiting for these teachings their entire lives. Like they are remembering something ancient that they always knew anyways (I know I did.) And they jump on the desire bandwagon more quickly than you can rip off your underwear when faced with a choice between Mark Ruffalo, Shia Le Beouf or Ryan Gosling on your sofa.  (Apologies in advance for all the heteronormativity. I am pretty much straight with the exception of being willing to go gay for Megan Rapinoe.)

In all seriousness, though desire is potent. Generally deadly to your current paradigm. Slow is good when you enter this realm. (I think personally it's why the "feminine" has been so feared and controlled and repressed over centuries. Because women carry an innate knowing of the potency of desire. And that shit can shake stuff up.)

Rest assured. though - whilst you have no control over what you want. You do have complete control over how and when you get it, and how quickly you want the old ways to fall apart in order to birth the new. In other words, it is possible to calibrate the means by which you let your desire arrive. 

So work with this power respectfully, tenderly, and let it lead you home again.

what's your pleasure type?

I am a sex and relationships coach with a passion for coaching women to amplify their pleasure and use it as a fuel source for power. 

And I have found, that amongst almost every woman I meet, that she will tend to fall into one of four, distinct pleasure types.

Curious to find out which one of these pleasure types you might be?

Take my quiz below, and receive a free, personalised video outlining your pleasure type, and giving you tips and tricks specific to your type to help increase your pleasure threshold exponentially!

Julia Lally 2020

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This post was written by Julia