EP24: Anorgasmia and Orgasmic Expansion
Woe is the woman who cannot cum.
It's like there is a cliff edge right? Called climax.
You can feel yourself approaching it.
Perhaps you go over it quickly, perhaps it takes a while to run at it and jump.
Perhaps you make the jump, only to find that it wasn't all that much and it wasn't really a cliff but a ditch. Maybe three inches deep.
Maybe you can see the edge but you can never quite let go over it anyway.
Or maybe you're in a muddy field. Chomping through the wet glass in your wellington boots and wondering where on earth the sea view is. Not a cliff anywhere in sight.
Anorgasmia and the Modern Woman
Whichever your experience (and it can vary of the course of a woman's life too), then rest assured your experience is normal.
I can hear you say.
Yes. Normal.
Not everybody cums like a freight train.
Not everyone squirts half a gallon of pure liquid every time their partner goes down on them.
Tune in to listen how you can help your orgasm expand (and explode if you want)
Some snippets for your delectation below..
The Temple is my online membership offering that brings together women from all over the world to learn the kickass, graceful undoing that is true feminine power, and to unlearn what we have been taught thus far about our limitations as women.
Think collective spellbreaking.
Think the claiming of more, personally.
Think fun, love and online badassery..
Categorised in: You Can Have It Podcast
This post was written by Julia