Solstice Blessings

winter solstice

winter solstice as an important pagan holiday

It's time to celebrate the winter solstice. Or at the very least to mark... the half point of the year. An important pagan holiday festival (and you can read about the Wheel of the Year HERE.) 

Next week, I am going to write you some of my absolutely favourite ways to lie fallow. I am done flying off to Goa to escape the winter cold. I find I am all about embracing the inevitable descent into the dark now.

This week though - I gift you, with Solstice blessing and the warmth of my human heart, a poem for the quieter times:


I am going half to sleep.

We are in the depth of winter now.

The bears where I live are deep underground.

Nestling and liminal.

And I rest.

Forget the time for worry.

For angst 

And for all the high drama

Of summer


The feasts on the winds

Of blackberry juice 

And the falling apart.

I enter the blackness

And I die there

Over and over.

Such a nurture.

Drinking off the fat I stored.

want more? Listen to this week's podcast about journeys into the dark here


you are invited


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This post was written by Julia