
JADE MODULE 02 – Getting Started With Your Practice

Module 2

Module Structure

JADE MODULE 02 - Getting Started With Your Practice

6 Lessons

JADE - Getting Started With the Practice

How to String Your Jade Egg

The practical stuff you need to get your egg safe and ready for use.

Pleasure Practices, Warm Ups and Foundationals – an Overview

Warming up and foundational practices are a big part of jade egg. 

Loving on Your Pussy – How to Insert Your Jade Egg

Sloooowwwly does it.

JADE PRACTICES - Warm Ups and Foundationals

PRACTICE – The Inner Smile

A practice to help transmute sexual turn on into good vibes and cellular healing.

PRACTICE – Breast Massage

The classic Taoist warm up.

PRACTICE – Basic Jade Egg Exercises

Beginning your practice.
