
Welcome – How to Navigate This Course

Lesson 1 Chapter 1 Module 1

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Welcome to your online JADE POWER course! I am absolutely delighted you chose to come on board and am so excited about sharing the next few weeks of adventures with you. Jade egg practices are genuinely one of my favourite sexual practices and I am so excited for you to discover the power of this ancient technique and its’ ability to open, expand and enrich your orgasm for you. 

Please find below the basics for you to know and understand before we begin.

How It Works

Your JADE POWER course consists of five modules which will be released to you over the next five weeks. Module 01 is open to you now, but please make sure you read everything in the introductory lessons before you start.

Course Support and Contact

If you are having any technical or administrative issues with this course then please email Julia at [email protected].

Practice and Homework

Pleasure Practices

Each week you will have a new module open up to you. Each module contains a mix of:

 - one jade egg audio meditation practice (60-90 minutes long);

 - educational materials about the jade egg or philosophy;

 - new foundational audio meditations related to the material (10-15 minutes long).

The Weekly Jade Egg Meditation

The longer jade egg recording that opens up each week should form the core of your practice - it will last 60-90 minutes and go pretty deep. It will also tend to incorporate the shorter foundational meditations within it. 

The longer practice will have a very powerful impact if you manage to do the it 2 – 3 times weekly. The jade egg is a tool that needs to be used!

However, even if you manage to just do the shorter 10 minute meditations  two or three times during the week as a pleasure “touch in”, your jade egg will begin to work   for you.

If you want to really go for it and do even more than the recommended 2-3 weekly longer practice, daily short practices using the foundational audios in between is recommended.

Saying that, if you do fall behind or find it impossible to make the time, remember you have lifetime membership of this course and it is very important that you calibrate your experience to your own pace.

It's also really important that you keep grounded and in touch with your body and we have more on that later.

Understanding How Jade Egg works

The jade egg is really a process. It’s best to let the process take its course and stick with it – resistance often pops up naturally when you are beginning to get somewhere with your practice.

As a sexuality practice it is a purification of sorts – which means that long held deep beliefs and blockages can re-surface and be worked through your system. This can mean emotional release or even that old memories come to the surface. In much the same way that you can sometimes cry or rage during climax, sexual energy can potently unleash what is hidden.

Reach out for support. Share your experience in the Facebook group. And don’t forget – that a new sense of sexual empowerment and a heightened access to pleasure lies on the other side!
