
How to String Your Jade Egg

Lesson 8 Chapter 1 Module 2

I recommend stringing your jade egg before use – especially if you are a beginner as it means you will easily be able to remove the egg by pulling it gently out. Also, we use the string to offer resistance training to the muscles – and indeed pulling on or vibrating the string can be some of the most erotically charged and powerful experiences with the egg you might have. It is possible to use the jade egg without a string, yes. But this is generally left to more advanced practitioners.

Step 1

Source yourself some un-waxed, un-flavoured dental floss or strong silk string thread. (Radius is a favourite brand and can easily be found on Amazon.)

Step 2

Take a sachet of the flax, or cut off a piece of the flax that is about 1-2 ft long. (Note, for weightlifting exercises you may need even longer but we will cover that in more detail later.)

Step 3

You now have two choices about how to string the egg. You can either fold the flax over double and insert the looped end through the hole. One the loop is through, thread the loose ends through the loop and pull to tighten.

Or you can put one end of the string through the hole, and tie the two end of the string like a shoelace over the smaller end of the egg. (Alternatively, you can tie the string at the far end as shown below.)
